Whether you’re a middle school student completing a school project, a graduate student finalizing your thesis, or a faculty member submitting for peer review, communicating your findings to a public audience is essential to ensure they have a meaningful impact. EcoNEWS Vermont offers a platform to share your work with a broader audience and practice translating science into everyday language. Each issue, we will highlight three to four graduate student or faculty research stories and two to three student art submissions.
For students submitting artwork: please submit your materials through this form. For researchers submitting stories of research: fill out the form below. If you have any questions, contact Anna Marchessault for more details.
Helpful Hints for Submissions
ecoNEWS VT stories generally describe new findings or advances in ecological science and monitoring, and are drawn from publications that have undergone some level of peer or internal review. Questions about these guidelines? Contact Anna Marchessault for more details.