Jason Stockwell
Professor, University of Vermont Rubenstein School
- 2/08/2024
InvestigatorAlewife Invasion Alters Lake Champlain Food Web, But Not How We ExpectedThe Alewife invasion of 2003 was expected to impair lake trout populations in Lake Champlain but this new study by University of Vermont researchers s
- 6/20/2023
InvestigatorIs Lake Champlain Prepared for a Quagga Mussel Invasion?As the threat of quagga mussels looms over Lake Champlain, researchers determine potential ecosystem impacts to expect upon their arrival.
- 10/29/2021
InvestigatorInvasive Alewife Impacts on Native Rainbow Smelt in Lake Champlain Depend on Environmental ConditionIn Lake Champlain, alewife compete with rainbow smelt in smaller basins with summer habitat limited by warm temperatures and low oxygen.
- 10/01/2014
InvestigatorCisco Provide Linkage Between Nearshore and Offshore HabitatsCisco eggs provide an important food source for fish in the nearshore region of lakes during winter.
- 5/25/2015Annual meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research
Four days of sessions focusing on the theme New Views New Tools